Wednesday, August 29, 2012

What have you done in the past month?

Ell has:

-been born, stared down jaundice and successfully healed and gained weight
-gone to his first movie - 'Pirates, Band of Misfits' at the Northern Lights Theatre Pub  (
-held his first gun, a gift from grandpa Dan
-displayed impressive diaper sound effects
-taken a bath with mom and a shower with dad
-spent time with the Harper clan, grandma Waters and friends
-read a book at the library
-experienced, and been confused by, the magic of telephone - where on earth was grandmas voice coming from?
-been babysat by big brother, and slept through the whole thing

He has not, however, realized that 4am is not actually the appropriate hour to begin your day.   Oh well, he;s still the cutest little garden gnome around.

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Little Ell Photobomb

Here is the link:

Pics of the first few weeks...

This is only a sample, Mike really loves his boy and carries the camera!

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

My handsome boys!

The boys hang out during our welcome party for little 'ell' with the Harper clan.