Friday, September 14, 2012

Run Big L, Run!

Lawrence is trying out cross country this fall.  Yesterday was his start of season time trial.  I honestly have no idea what his time was.  He was at least a minute behind the person in front of him, and they brought up the end.  Mike, Ell and I were there cheering him on and he was struggling.  3000 meters (1.8 miles) for a kid who spent the last 2 months playing video games and dodging learning how to change diapers is a LONG way in the end of summer heat.

He finished.  Even when the coach gave him the option of skipping the last lap he said "no, I can make it."

I was worried he would want to quit.  I thought it might have been disheartened to be lapped so early, or to know that your team is waiting for you to finish.  Instead, he apologized to us that he was so slow.  His teammates came out to run with him to the end.

We celebrated hugely!  Out to dinner and new shoes, lots and lots of congratulations.

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