Ellsworth is 6 weeks old and the time has flown by. As proof that they only stay little "for a minute" -
At birth: 9lb 3oz, 21 inches
Today: 13 lb, 24 inches
We knew he was growing like crazy since we already had to move out of newborn diapers (at 2 weeks), adjust the car seat straps bigger (at 4 weeks and again soon!) and pack up the "newborn" size of clothing (5 weeks). He is doing great and started sleeping 'through the night' (meaning 5+ hours at a stretch) Friday night.
He love, love, loves to take baths with mom and dad, just floating and smiling (yes smiling! another first this past week) in the warm water. He hate, hate, HATES cold water, as evidenced by his death screams when dad put his toes in Panther Creek, which was, to be fair, breathtakingly cold.
He loves his swing and dislikes tummy time. He is a pacifier kid (sigh) although he has almost found his thumbs. He is a fairly needy baby - just wants to be held as much as possible, preferably by someone who is lactating. Obviously he likes to eat, and has the cute little baby chubbiness to prove it. Overall, though, he is very mellow. When he wants something he "talks" for while before he moves on to crying, and even then starts out quiet and gradually gets louder.
Life has become somewhat blurry. We eat, take baths, change diapers and sleep. Chores are done sporadically. Occasionally I watch some TV or do some schoolwork. Lawrence started middle school this past week and I have no idea how we will handle it once everyone is back working/going to school. I can't believe this is Mike's last week at home and that I am more than halfway done with my maternity leave. Sigh.
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